AllMyNotes Organizer - the essential encrypted note organizer tailored to digital organization!

AllMyNotes Organizer - we got the most comfortable software to file your Documents.
Keeping journals, records, and diaries has never been so pleasant until now.

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Simple + Elegant.

Our philosophy: perfect simplicity through an thoughtfully designed experience. Direct all your energy on capturing your ideas without deciphering confusing options.


Bulletproof Protection that shields Critical Information.

Your confidential knowledge remains totally safeguarded - simply set a password and AllMyNotes Organizer instantly secures everything with sophisticated 1800-bit cipher systems.


Cutting-Edge Technology.

Lightning-fast search capabilities. Turbocharged architected storage system. Comprehensive export to plain text formats. Multilingual interface with customizable themes for your ideal setup.

AllMyNotes Organizer - the best Tomboy replacement program - Screenshots

AllMyNotes Organizer - Features

AllMyNotes Organizer - Features

System Requirements:

Windows: Designed for every Windows version since XP through Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP. Optimized for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.
Can be used on Linux and Mac through Wine or similar compatibility layers.

All-My-Notes Organizer app logo

Tags: Best Evernote replacement for PC, Enterprise RTF processor with password protection, Flexible note taking software, Outline notes manager, Secure information organizer.

Siblings: Free Portable Diary App for Windows, Tree Notes List, Keep Notes, App to capture notes using the Cornell Notes Method, Secure Notes, Journal Diary App, Secure OneNote replacement app - compact, fast, smart.